Used Porsche Taycan Review score


  • Lightning
  • Lightning
  • Lightning
  • Lightning
  • Lightning

Price: from £75,000

Well-built and brilliant to drive. The Taycan feels like a landmark car for Porsche. And remarkably, this plug-in is actually faster than any of Porsche’s other cars. But it's in high demand so there are few used bargains out there.

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  • Prices from: £75,000
  • Battery size: 71 - 84 kWh (usable)
  • Miles per kWh: 2.47
  • Max charge rate: 270 kW
  • Range: 252-279 miles

  • Prices from: £75,000
  • Battery size: 71 - 84 kWh (usable)
  • Miles per kWh: 2.47
  • Max charge rate: 270 kW
  • Range: 252-279 miles
  • White Porsche Taycan front and right sides
  • White Porsche Taycan rear and left side with mountain background
  • Black Porsche Taycan front and left side driving
  • Black Porsche Taycan driving rear
  • Porsche Taycan cream and black interior
  • White Porsche Taycan charging cable and rim/yellow brake detail

Ginny Says

“We love the Taycan and it has Porsche build quality, so buying used is not an issue - as long as you don't mind someone else's taste. Just don't expect any bargains - the Taycan holds its value well.”

Nicki Says

“​Less is more and when it comes to the Taycan the least expensive model is my choice. Even though I love a bit of performance, dare I suggest that the Turbo S is just too fast for a road car?​”

There’s high demand for the Taycan and a waiting list for new cars. Expect used models to command high prices for a while yet. 

  • Prices from:£90,000
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Used models

A Porsche which has been as talked-about as the Taycan is going to attract the attention of affluent buyers who are used to being able to pay for what they want. If they haven’t got their name on the waiting list already, they will be happy to pay over the asking price to get a Taycan for the first few months at least. 

Any cars which come up for sale in those first few months will either be from speculators looking to make a quick quid or might be dealer demonstrators. Either way, it’s likely to be cheaper to order a new car from the factory and wait than to take the used route until supply of used and new Taycans becomes a little more plentiful. 


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